Planning a summer wedding celebration? Congratulations! Now, bring on the sunshine, summer fun, and party atmosphere as we all join in celebrating along with you. Many brides and grooms are stepping outside of the traditional boundaries, not only at weddings but at the reception as well. Bringing in a more relaxed atmosphere and ready to “let the party begin” attitude.

If you are looking for a way to be creative with your catering choices, keep reading as we share some creative catering tips for your summer wedding celebration.​

Pig Roasts and Cookouts

What creates more of a summer party atmosphere than a good pig roast or firing up the grill? Brides and Grooms everywhere in Northern Kentucky are finding this a great way to relax and enjoy their wedding reception. Full of summer flavors, these options can be a fun creative way to celebrate with those who surround you on your special day.

Focus on Fresh

In the Northern Kentucky area, we are blessed with some of the best local farmers’ markets in the nation. So why not add some of what summer offers us right here in our own backyard? Bring in all the fresh flavors of summer to create the perfect dish for your guests to enjoy. From fresh watermelon, golden corn on the cob, homegrown green beans, and more, these flavors are sure to add to your celebration memories, and your guests will not soon forget.

Favorite Family Foods

Grandma’s apple pie, Aunt Jane’s oatmeal cookies, Mom’s mac & cheese; we all have those family favorites that are served up at every special event. Why leave them out on the day you have looked forward to your entire life? At Be Creative Catering, we specialize in making your day everything you dream of; that means making sure to include family traditions and extraordinary recipes that are must-haves to make your day complete. Give us the recipe, and we do all the work.

​Whatever your vision for your summer wedding celebration, Be Creative Catering is here to help you from beginning to end. We step away from the traditional catering methods and get creative to make your day as uniquely beautiful as you, and memorable for years to come.