Leave the Cooking to Us!

Leave the Cooking to Us!

Mashed potatoes, cinnamon rolls, cranberry sauce, and gingerbread.    What do these things have in common? They’re all delicious, all holiday staples, and can be quite labor intensive when done from scratch. Whether you love to create your own carefully...
Chilly? Try Some Chili!

Chilly? Try Some Chili!

The change in the seasons means colder weather and warmer food. The Cincinnati region is known for its chili, and here across the border is no different! As you are planning the menu for your next cold weather event, consider having chili as the main dish!   At...
Have Smore Fun with this Nostalgic Treat

Have Smore Fun with this Nostalgic Treat

You want your wedding to be something that will be remembered, but it’s also a time when you can invite people to be reminded of their own experiences: time spent gathered with family and friends, cool summer nights with blinking lightning bugs and buzzing cicadas....
Salad a necessary sidekick

Salad a necessary sidekick

Every Batman needs a Robin.  Every Bert needs an Ernie.  Every Tom needs a Jerry.  Every Main Course needs a SALAD!   Our finest small plate sidekick has been around since the Roman Empire…amping up the visual and tasty value of the main course for...
New Year New Options!

New Year New Options!

We strive to keep our menu and options current, following worthy trends and listening to the needs of our clients. Through careful planning and fostering a creative work environment, we are proud to say that Be Creative Catering is an ever-evolving force of food...